Support Coordination

(Assistant in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transition and Supports)

Align Support Services provides support coordination to help individuals and their family to get the most out of their NDIS funding package. This includes:

Specialised support coordination

Align Support Services provides specialised support for participants with high and complex needs. Specialised support coordination is time-limited and focuses on addressing barriers and reducing complexity in the support environment. Our support coordinators will assist participants and their family to build capacity and resilience and connect with other support.

Align Support Services will work with a multidisciplinary team consisting of social workers, nurses, doctors, and support workers to provide a person-centred care/support. This team will ensure that we have the knowledge and skills to provide a responsive service that is tailored to each individual’s circumstances.

Our Specialised Support Coordination services are provided one-on-one at the comfort of your support environment.
How we can help: